[color=#2ecc71][u][b][i]Your RP (In-Game) Name:[/i]
[i]What server you are applying for:[/i]
[i]Your Steam name:[/i]
[i]Your SteamID:[/i]
[i]Where are you from (country)?:[/i]
[i]What is your current Time Zone?[/i]
[i]How old are you?:[/i]
[i]Have you ever been an administrator/position of rank on our/another server?:[/i]
[i]What is your playtime on the Server? (2 days total is required):[/i]
[i]How many warns do you have total + active warns?:[/i]
[i]Why should we pick you for Staff (minimum 250 characters)?:[/i]
[i]Have you ever been Kicked or Banned on our Server(If so, why)?:[/i]
[i]Do you have a Microphone?:[/i]
[i]How many hours can you be on a week?:[/i]
[i]Can you do anything else for the LuaRP Community?:[/i]
[i]Other information you would like to tell us(Optional)?:[/i][/b][/u][/color]
Your RP (In-Game) Name:
What server you are applying for:
Your Steam name:
Your SteamID:
Where are you from (country)?:
What is your current Time Zone?
How old are you?:
Have you ever been an administrator/position of rank on our/another server?:
What is your playtime on the Server? (2 days total is required):
How many warns do you have total + active warns?:
Why should we pick you for Staff (minimum 250 characters)?:
Have you ever been Kicked or Banned on our Server(If so, why)?:
Do you have a Microphone?:
How many hours can you be on a week?:
Can you do anything else for the LuaRP Community?:
Other information you would like to tell us(Optional)?: